Monday, August 09, 2010

Customer Service

So, I have a question.  When you call a company (i.e. a pharmacy) and asked for their services, wouldn't you think having your information available and being polite would be something you would automatically do?  Why is it that every stinking customer that calls into my work has a chip on their shoulder, and thinks we OWE them something?  I just had someone rip my head off because I asked for a prescription number for the medication they want filled.  I am a pharmacy tech, not a mind reader!

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Profiles - Making your profile easier to find

I've published my profile on Google. Have a look!

First Blog!

Hello there!! I am going to try something new here.  Since I have been so busy with life, I am going to try and keep in touch with my friends and loved ones through this blog.  Stay tuned for messages, video, pictures you name it!!  I'll post when I can,  but it probably won't be every day.  Let's see if I can stick with this!